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Автор - Brian McNaughton
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Творчество Brian McNaughton

На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Brian McNaughton. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

The House Across the Way
The House Across the Way

Amworth College, Connecticut -- a place where the gates between our world and the Land of Faerie are thin and crumbling, a place where horrors really do lurk in the shadows, and evils in the gardens. A place where the fates of worlds really does hide within the brushstrokes of a forgotten painting.

The Throne of Bones
The Throne of Bones

Imagine earthy Tolkienesque characters in a setting full of cemeteries, graverobbers, necromancers, corpse-eaters--even a huge labyrinthine necropolis. Imagine mephitic gardens where the sarcophage, selenotrope, and necrophilium bloom. Then throw in star-crossed lovers, crazed zealots, stalwart heroes, bloodthirsty renegade armies, hideous monsters, and likeable misfits. You've got just a hint of ...