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Автор - Денис Джонсон

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Творчество Дениса Джонсона

На нашем сайте представлены 10 книг автора Дениса Джонсона. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Train Dreams: A Novella
Train Dreams: A Novella

Denis Johnson’s Train Dreams is an epic in miniature, one of his most evocative and poignant fictions. Robert Grainer is a day laborer in the American West at the start of the twentieth century—an ordinary man in extraordinary times. Buffeted by the loss of his family, Grainer struggles to make sense of this strange new world. As his story unfolds, we witness both his shocking personal defeats ...

The Laughing Monsters
The Laughing Monsters

Denis Johnson?s The Laughing Monsters is a high-suspense tale of kaleidoscoping loyalties in the post-9/11 world that shows one of our great novelists at the top of his game.

Seek: Reports from the Edges of America & Beyond
Seek: Reports from the Edges of America & Beyond

Part political disquisition, part travel journal, part self-exploration, Seek is a collection of essays and articles in which Denis Johnson essentially takes on the world.And not an obliging, easygoing world either; but rather one in which horror and beauty exist in such proximity that they might well be interchangeable. Where violence and poverty and moral transgression go unchecked, even unnotic...

The Name of the World
The Name of the World

Michael Reed is a man going through the motions, numbed by the death of his wife and child. But when events force him to act as if he cares, he begins to find people who - against all expectation - help him through his private labyrinth.

Tree of Smoke
Tree of Smoke

Once upon a time there was a war...and a young American who thought of himself as the Quiet American and the Ugly American, and who wished to be neither, who wanted instead to be the Wise American, or the Good American, but who eventually came to

Любовный роман

?I?d always lived a fairly blameless life. Up until the day I left my husband and ran away to Hollywood?? Unlike the rest of her family, Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. At thirty-three she has a proper job, is happily married to Garv and never puts a foot wrong. So why does she make a bolt for Hollywood and her best friend, Emily? In the City of Angels, Maggie gets to do things she?...

Современная проза
Jesus' Son: Stories
Jesus' Son: Stories

Jesus' Son is a visionary chronicle of dreamers, addicts, and lost souls. These stories tell of spiraling grief and trancendence, of rock bottom and redemption, of getting lost an dfound and lost again. The raw beauty and careening energy of Denis Johnson's prose has earned this book a place among the classics of twentieth-century American literature.

Современная проза
Сны поездов
Сны поездов

Соединяя в себе, подобно древнему псалму, печаль и свет, книга признанного классика современной американской литературы Дениса Джонсона (1949–2017) рассказывает историю Роберта Грэйньера, отшельника поневоле, жизнь которого, охватив почти две трети ХХ века, прошла среди холмов, рек и железнодорожных путей Северного Айдахо. Это повесть о мире, в который, несмотря на переполняющие его страдания, то ...

Дымовое древо
Дымовое древо

Это история Шкипа Сэндса – шпиона, сотрудника Отдела психологических операций, действующего во Вьетнаме,– и всех тех несчастий, которые ждут его из-за знаменитого дяди Шкипа, ветерана войны, известного в кругах разведки просто как Полковник. А еще это история братьев Хьюстон, Билла и Джеймса, которых судьба занесла из аризонской пустыни на войну, где грань между дезинформацией и умопомешательством...

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